Scholarships & Grants
We want every student to find their maximum amount of potential aid, whatever their background or circumstances. Whether you qualify for academic scholarship, government grant, or other outside assistance, we will work with you to tailor a program that makes Bacone possible — and makes sense for the long term.
Bacone Institutional Assistance
Bacone is proud to offer assistance to its students. These are limited to one award per full-time student per academic year. Completion of the FAFSA is a prerequisite for all Bacone College awards.
Bacone College institutional assistance are not cash awards and – when added together with all other federal and state grants, or any other scholarships and grants – will not exceed the total cost of Tuition, Room, and Board. Federal Work Study, Tribal Awards, and Student Loans can be used to cover outstanding balances, fees and/or books. All institutional assistance will be applied with one-half for participation during the fall semester and one-half for participating during the spring semester. If a student withdraws from a semester completely, or falls below full-time status, their Bacone College Institutional Assistance will be prorated from the last day of full-time attendance.
Other criteria, such as a minimum cumulative GPA, may apply.
Alexander Posey Award – American Indian Students
This awards is up to $10,000 per academic year, to full-time, residential, American Indian Students. Tribal ID/CDIB must be provided in admissions to acquire the award.
Incoming freshmen must have a 2.0 GPA or better, 18 ACT, and top 50% of graduating class (must meet 2 of the 3 criteria). Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA, no tickets or violations on file.
Full-time non residential students can receive up to $2,500 per semester. Must maintain a 2.5 GPA, no tickets or violations. Awards may be renewed upon exit interview by the VPSA.
Athletic Award – Awarded by the Head Coach – A. Posey
American Indian Athletes can be awarded up to $5,000-$10,000 per year for full-time residential students. And up to $1,000- $2,500 per semester for full-time commuter students. This award is determined by the Head Coach of the intended sport at their discretion, in coordination with the office of the CFO. An athletic award can not be combined with any other institutional award. The student-athlete must be enrolled in at least 12 hours per semester to qualify, and maintain a 2.0 or above GPA. As an incoming freshman you must (meet 2 of the 3) of a 2.0 GPA, 18 ACT, top 50% of graduating class. Tribal ID/CDIB must be provided. This award may renewed by the coach at the end of the academic year. This award can be adjusted per the Academic Catalog.
Descendant Grant
A grant for the direct blood descendants of the following contributors to Bacone College;
- Samuel Richard
- Walter Starr
- William McCombs
- Benjamin Wacoche
Qualifications include: Must provide proof of their heritage (birth certificates and bloodline from tribe). Must apply for Federal Financial Aid with Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Resident Students – This grant applies to Total Cost (excluding books and fees) with Federal Aid (excluding loans) and outside scholarships and grants being applied to room and board first.
Any remaining cash-based funds will be applied to tuition. This grant will be used to make up the difference and can be reduced as other funds are applied.
Commuter students – This grant will cover any remaining tuition cost after Federal Aid (excluding loans) and outside scholarships and grants are applied. If the student does not qualify for any Federal Aid except for loans, and no outside resources, the grant will cover tuition only.
Rennard Strickland- Criminal Justice Award
Rennard Strickland School of Criminal Justice – Native American award of up to $10,000 per academic year, full time residential student. Non-Native- up to $5,000 per academic year, full time residential student. This award is determined by the Chair of the School of Criminal Justice.
Presidential Academic Award**
Merit based award for first-time freshmen. This award is valid for up to four years of attendance at Bacone College. Must meet 2 of 3 criteria for initial eligibility:
- A minimum ACT composite score of 23:
- A high school GPA of at least 3.50;
- High school standing within the top 15% of graduating class. (GPA Requirement to maintain award: 3.25)
** Presidential award nominations must be accompanied with two (2) written recommendations from a teacher, school counselor, or principal, and a two (2) page, typewritten, double-spaced essay describing your qualifications as a leader or significant achievements the student has accomplished.
Success Academic Award*
This is Bacone’s standard institutional award. This is valued at up to $5,000 per academic year for residential main campus full-time students and up to $1,500 for full-time commuter students. Must maintain a 2.5 GPA, good academic standing, no tickets or violations.
Miss Indian Bacone
Every year Bacone College hosts a pageant for our students. The winner of the Miss Indian Bacone pageant will receive an award in the amount of $500. This award is funded by private donors. This award is determined by the VP of Student Affairs. The recipient must be in good academic standing, no tickets or violations.
Tribal Scholarships and Grants
American Indian College Fund (Full Circle Scholarship)
American Indian Education Fund
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) scholarships
American Indian Services College Scholarships
Choctaw Nation Technology Allowance Program
DAR American Indians Scholarships
Delaware Nation College Financial Assistance Program
Delaware Nation Graduation Assistance Program
Delaware Nation High School and College Completion Stipend Program
Indian Health Service (IHS) Scholarships
Muscogee (Creek) Nation Foundation
National Indian Education Association
Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship & Financial Assistance
More Articles about Scholarships for Native American Students
Search Engines, Curated Lists, and Portals
There are many sources of financial assistance available to students. Below are a few popular websites which can make finding scholarships and grants easier.
Disclaimer: Each link in this section will take you away from Bacone.edu. Bacone College is not responsible for the content of these websites.
AccessLex Law School Scholarship Databank
The Daughters of the American Revolution
Discover Inc Free Scholarship Search
Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation
Guide to Financial Assistance for Future Teachers
Guide to Scholarships for Future Teachers
Nursing Scholarships for Online Learners
OKCollegeStart.org scholarship page
Oklahoma City Community Foundation scholarship portal
Purdue Global minority nursing scholarships
Study.com Student Scholarships
TeacherCertification.com Scholarships for Future Teachers
Tulsa Community Foundation scholarship page
Helpful Articles about Scholarships and Financial Aid
Disclaimer: Links in this section will take you away from Bacone.edu. Bacone College is not responsible for the content of these websites.
17 Data Science Scholarships in 2022
2022 College Scholarships for Women
Accounting Resources and Organizations for Underrepresented Racial Groups
A Guide to Finding the Best Tech Scholarships
Best Scholarship Websites for Students: Insights from a College Counselor
Guide To College for Students Experiencing Homelessness
College Guide for Veterans & Active Service Members
Cybersecurity Scholarship Guide
Do I Qualify for Financial Aid?
Guide to Scholarships for Future Teachers
Guide to Student Loan Forgiveness for Teachers
High Demand Jobs in 2022 & Beyond
How to Apply to College: The Ultimate Guide
How to spot and avoid scholarship scams
How to write a scholarship thank-you letter
International Student Scholarship & Financial Aid Guide
Oklahoma Employers with Tuition Assistance Programs
Resources for Indigenous American Entrepreneurs
Scholarships and Career Resources for STEM Students
Scholarships and Grants for Nursing Students
Scholarships & Resources for Data Science Master’s Students
Top Scholarships for College Sophomores with Deadlines Through 2023
Your Ultimate 2023 Scholarship Guide [W/ Tips & Resources]
Private Scholarships and Grants by submission deadline
Bacone occasionally receives information about unique scholarship opportunities. These are just a small sample of the many thousands of private scholarship opportunities available every year.
Disclaimer: These listings are for information purposes and should not be considered endorsements of a person or organization. Links in this section will take you away from Bacone.edu. Bacone College is not responsible for the content of these websites.
Open While Funding Lasts
Completing the Dream Scholarship Program #SallieMaeFundScholarship
Students on-track to complete their degree or continuous education program who are facing financial challenges may apply to receive a one-time scholarship of up to $2,500 to help complete their post-secondary education program. Nearly 800 Completing the Dream Scholarships, totaling $1.95 million, will be awarded.
Open Monthly
Ascent $1,000 Monthly Community Champions Scholarship Giveaway
Ascent Shining Stars Scholarship
Discover® $5,000 Scholarship Award
Earnest $50,000 More than a Scholarship Scholarship (March through July)
LA Tutors 123 Innovation in Education Scholarship
Open Quarterly
The AccessScholarships $1,000 Too Cool to Pay for School Scholarship – No essay required. Recipients are chosen at the end of every March, June, September & December